Tuesday 29 March 2016

Evaluation 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After completing the first draft of my music video, I decided to share it on Facebook in order to get some feedback. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the response it got, considering I still had a long way to go with it.

My sister also shared my music video for me in order to increase the views and heighten the chances of feedback, so I could make improvements.

By posting the first draft of my music video on social media, it allowed me to get a wide range of responses - due to me having different friends of all ages on there. Therefore, by doing this, I learnt that I needed to re-shoot the two scenes to improve it further. For example in the dance scene, I needed to film more shot types, angles, more movement from Amelia when she was dancing and film her dancing in a variety of different costumes and in the home scene, I needed to film more shot types, more angles and more movement from both characters when the magic tricks were taking place. Once I made these changes, it allowed the editing within my music video to be tighter - making it appear more interesting and professional.

After completing the final draft of my music video, I decided, once again, to share it on Facebook to show the same audience on the much improved final product. Overall, I got some really positive feedback, "It's so good Greta! Love the change between the dancing and the magician, it's got a great clear narrative and the editing is good and to the song! Amazing, well done", "Wow! Love the story line, your sister is amazing!" - these comments demonstrate that my product appeals to my target market as individuals of all ages and genders have loved the outcome of my music video.

When it came to deciding on which picture I was going to put on the poster for my ancillary text, I personally wasn't sure which picture I preferred. Therefore, I put both poster either side of each other and let my Facebook audience decide for me. By doing this, it allowed me to see which poster was popular among the public eye - attracting a higher audience into buying my products. 

In total 54 people 'liked' this picture - proving popularity with the image. People also commented on the colours and how they appeared more bright and eye-catching. 
In total 20 people 'liked' this picture - proving not as popular as the first image. However, one individual commented that the image looks like its dancing. 

From conducting this audience feedback, I learnt which poster was the most popular; as the first image had the most likes and comments, I decided to use this once as it was proven to be the preferred one by the audience. Therefore, if I were to put the poster out in public places, it would attract more people to view it and buy the album.

Furthermore, in order to get overall feedback of all 3 products, I created a Survey Monkey with 10 questions:

  1.  Are you Male or Female?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Focusing on the music video, what do you think the narrative is?
  4. What genre do you think the music video is?
  5. Does the music video reflect the lyrics of the song?
  6. How effective is the music video - did you enjoy watching it?
  7. Would you buy the music video on iTunes?
  8. Looking at my Digipak and Poster, do you think it reflects the music video? If yes, how?
  9. Do all 3 products show continuity and reflect each other? If yes, how?
  10. Do all 3 products appear professional looking?

I shared the survey onto Facebook with a picture of my digipak, poster and a link to my music video. I did this in order to heighten the responses for the questionnaire and target a wider audience to getting feedback, for my final work.


Within the following prezi, I am going to discuss the responses which I received from the Survey Monkey questionnaire I devised. Overall, I asked 10 questions and received positive feedback from them all.


Focus Group

In order to receive some feedback on my music video, poster and digipak, I asked 3 members of my media class to answer 5 questions about my products. I decided to ask individuals with media knowledge as they would be able to analyse and evaluate my products from a media angle; due to understanding media terminology and language. 

I asked the questions:

  1. From watching my music video, explain the narrative to me?
  2. How do my digipak and poster show the narrative presented in the music video?
  3. How effective are the combination of my products?
  4. Would you purchase them and why?
  5. What could I do to improve them?

Overall, I am very pleased with the responses I received from Natalie, Lauren and Paul. They all easily recognised the narrative of my music video, all thought that my digipak and poster portray my narrative and all find my products very effective. Also, all three individuals said that they would purchase my products as they appear professional looking therefore, from conducting these individual focus groups, it demonstrates that my 3 products are a success when targeting the late teen category; proving that I have devised and created successful and realistic media products. Nevertheless, if I did have the chance to re-do my products, I would take their advice and experiment with different colours; I would try using brighter colours to represent the pop genre further among my products and experiment with more photos.

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