Saturday 5 September 2015

Representation Theory - Stereotypes

Tessa Perkins - Stereotypes Theory

Perkins argues that stereotyping is not a simple process and contains a number of assumptions that can be challenged. 

She identified 5 assumptions:

  • Stereotypes are not always negative
  • They are not always about minority groups or the less powerful
  • They can be held about one's own group
  • They are not rigid or unchanging
  • They are not always false

Image Essay: Beyonce - Pretty Hurts

Tessa Perkins states that stereotyping is not a simple process and that it contains a number of assumptions that can be challenged. These assumptions can be indentified in 5 different ways – stereotypes are not always negative, they are not always about minority groups or the less powerful, they can be held about ones own group, they are not rigid or unchanging and they are not always false.

It is often assumed that stereotypes are negative especially within the Pop genre of the music industry. It upholds a negative concept about women - due to them often being portrayed in a sexual way. However, not all celebrities conform to this stereotype as some have positive representations too. For example Beyoncé Knowles is acknowledged in the media as a role model for both women and men in society. She inspires individuals of all ages due to her warmth and compassion, which she radiates through her media texts. Furthermore, Beyoncé supports 31 charities – showing her fans that she means well, as she likes to help those in need.

Within Beyonce’s music video, she portrays herself as a strong independent woman – she conforms to her stereotype of being a role model. She does this as through the narrative she tells a story on how women are pressured to have outer beauty. The video shows the lengths that some women have to go to in order to fit in. Beyoncé takes part in a beauty pageant and demonstrates to the world that beauty doesn’t bring you happiness and it doesn’t move you forward in life. As she breaks down the strict expectations that society has on women, she inspires confidence amongst her audience – acting like the role model she is to many individuals.

For a stereotype to be true, it has to be made believable to an audience. Through many media platforms, Beyoncé chooses to represent herself in a positive way at all times to the public eye. She is not just an artist but a loving mother, loyal wife, a vocal feminist, promotes a healthy body image and is charitable. Through conveying these qualities to her audience, she constantly upholds an inspirational image. Moreover, through social media Beyoncé is shown to be acknowledged and praised by more dominant figures than her. For example, Michelle Obama tweeted her on her birthday saying “Happy birthday to the only and only, Queen B! Thank you for being a role model for young girls around the world @Beyonce – mo”.

To conclude, it is evident that Tessa Perkins theory of stereotypes is useful when analysing celebrities. It is clear that Beyoncé Knowles is mainly seen as a positive role model and inspiration within society – and those that disagree are certainly in the minority.

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