Monday 7 December 2015

Behind the Scenes at NAPA (Dancing Scene)

Deciding on Amelia's Costume...

Doing Amelia's Make-up and Hair...

Practising the Dance / Warming Up...


For the dancing scenes of the music video, I felt it was extremely important to get the lighting right – in order to create and set the mood of the narrative: a relationship breaking down. Therefore, I researched into existing music videos with a similar narrative (love story) and took note of the lighting used. 

Within the following three existing music videos (below), I found that a similar idea was used for the lighting – dark lighting with a blue tint and a spotlight. I feel that this look creates the perfect mood for the opening of my music video – a magical / intriguing tone with the only focus upon Amelia - the main star in the music video. Furthermore, I feel that the lighting adheres to Richard Dyer’s ‘Star Theory’ – the idea that viewers perception of a film is heavily influenced by the perception of its stars and that publicity materials and reviews determine the way that audiences experience a media text; meaning that the audience will view my video and automatically identify Amelia as the main role as the focus and attention is upon her.

Ellie Goulding - 'Love Me Like You Do'

Ariana Grande - 'Love Me Harder'

Beyonce - 'Halo' (Live)

My Music Video

In order to achieve the lighting how I wanted it to look, I asked the technician at ‘NAPA’ to help set up the lighting box for me. Together, we both adjusted and played around with the different settings and controls until the look I wanted was achieved.


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