Friday 20 November 2015

Audience Questionnaire

Questionnaire for my Focus Group Video's:
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your social class?
  3. What is your favorite genre of music and why?
  4. Where do you watch music videos?
  5. If you were to watch a music video on a music channel, which one would it be?
  6. What would encourage you to watch more music videos?
  7. What do you enjoy about music videos?
  8. Do you prefer narrative or abstract music videos and why?
  9. What music video did you last watch?
  10. What did you enjoy about it?
Focus Groups

Age - 13

Age - 18

Age - 23

Age - 48

For my focus group videos, I researched different ages and sex’s to see how they differed in responses when asked about music videos. From carrying out this research, I found out vital audience research that will help me when creating my music video.

My first video was of a teenage girl, Ava, who is 13 – her preferred genre of music is Pop as she finds that it is catchy and up beat. When asked where she watches music videos, her response was on YouTube and if she was to watch one on a music channel it would be Viva as the top charts are played on there. If there is more dancing in music videos, it would encourage Ava to watch more music videos due to her preferring a narrative based structure, as it tells a story. The last music video Ava watched was ‘Focus’ by Ariana Grande – where she enjoyed the dancing and storyline of it.

My second video was of an older teenage boy, Paul, who is 18 – his preferred genre of music is EDM as it is fast and up beat - contrasting to Ava’s preferred genre. When asked where he watches music videos, like Ava his response was YouTube. If Paul were to watch a music video on a music channel it would be MTV. As Paul watches a lot of music videos already, he said that nothing else would encourage him to watch more videos – due to him being a big music fan. Paul enjoys abstract music videos, as he likes the montage edits that are often featured within them – perhaps as he is older than Ava and appreciates the ideas and cinematography behind the videos. The last music video Paul watched was ‘Won’t Stop Rocking’ by R3hab & Headhunterz – where he enjoyed the editing used within it.

My third video was of an older guy, Will, who is 23 – his preferred genre of music is Rap and Hip-Hop, as he likes to listen to it at the gym – this response shows that different ages prefer different genres of music. When asked where he watches music videos, like both Ava and Paul, his response was YouTube. When asked which music channel Will would watch a music video on, he replied with “I don’t watch music videos on any music channels” – therefore he said that “better music” would encourage him to watch more music videos. As Will doesn’t watch many music videos it was hard to ask all the questions and get in-depth answers – however, it suggests that perhaps the older the audience, the less they watch music videos. However, the last music video he did watch was ‘Shake It Off’ by Taylor Swift, where he enjoyed watching Taylor Swift in it – proving that males like an attractive female in music videos (Laura Mulvey – the Male Gaze).

My fourth and final video was of a woman, Amanda, who is 48 – her preferred genre of music is Rock, Blues, Jazz and some Pop; as she likes to listen to a variety of music. When asked where she watches music videos, she replied with “I don’t really watch them” – therefore, when I asked what would encourage her to watch more music videos she said, “If there were more videos available for people my age who like say old types of music, not just Pop, as there’s more Pop videos available on TV”. This response shows that music videos generally suite the younger generations as there are many made within the Pop genre. However, the last music video that Amanda did watch was a Michael Jackson one, where she enjoyed watching it, as it brought back memories.

To conclude, after carrying out this research, it has proven, to me, that music videos are favored more by the younger generations – say 13 – 20 year-olds.  I chose to use two males and two females in this research, all of different ages, so that I could get a wide range of results. Also, I wanted to see if the increase in age corresponded to the decrease of music videos being watched – which it did.
Therefore, when creating my video, it will be targeted to the ages between 13-20.

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