Stage 1: A point of stable equilibrium, where everything is satisfied, calm and normal.
Stage 2: This stability is disrupted by some kind of force, which creates a state of disequilibrium.
Stage 3: Recognition that a disruption has taken place.
Stage 4: It is only possible to re-create equilibrium through action directed against the disruption.
Stage 5: Restoration of a new state of equilibrium. The consequences of the reaction is to change the world of the narrative and/or the characters so that the final state of equilibrium in not the same as the initial state.
Image Essay: Beyonce - Pretty Hurts
Within Beyoncé’s music video ‘Pretty Hurts’ the narrative
adheres to Todorov’s theory of following a pattern of 5 steps.
Opening the video with a medium close up of Beyoncé followed
by a series of cuts of the contestants in the beauty pageant, getting ready, portrays
a relatively stable start; which is stage 1 of the theory: a point of stable
equilibrium, where everything is satisfied, calm and normal.
However, as the non-diegetic music in the background is
minor piano chords, it foreshadows the next stage which is soon to develop: stage
2 the stability is disrupted by some kind of force, which creates disequilibrium.
Stage 3 is the recognition that a disruption has taken place
– this is evident to the audience as the plot shows Beyoncé being
self-destructive with her image to fit in with society’s expectations of
beauty. For example a medium close up focuses on Beyoncé’s beautiful face – her
complexion is clear, her skin is smooth: she looks very pretty. Nevertheless,
she is sat waiting to get Botox (which she doesn’t need). At this point she is
singing the lyrics “Ain’t got no doctor or pill that can take the pain away” –
which is ironic as she is still putting herself through the pain, as she thinks
it will make her look prettier.
Next, of the stages is stage 4: it is only possible to
re-create equilibrium through action directed against the disruption. During
the music video there is a pause… it is when Beyoncé is at the beauty pageant
and gets asked the question “what is your aspiration in life?” As Beyoncé
starts to think about her answer, the shot changes to a scene in slow motion of
her diving into water – conveying the idea that she is drowning in the stress
of what she has put herself through in order to take part in the competition. A
voiceover is used as she questions ‘what is my aspiration in life’ whilst a
flashback shows her re-thinking the journey she had to go through in order to
get to where she is. When the scene cuts back to her being on stage, she
replies with “Well my aspiration in life would be to be happy” – leading onto
stage 5.
Stage 5 is the restoration of a new state of equilibrium.
The consequences of the reaction is to change the world of the narrative and/or
the characters so that the final state of equilibrium in not the same as the initial
state. This is shown as Beyoncé realises that forcing herself to look a certain
way is not worth it. Breaking all of her trophies whilst singing “pretty hurts”
show the irony in the lyrics of her song – that to be pretty actually does hurt
as it damages your mental thoughts. Beyoncé becomes happy at the end, showing
that anyone can too if they let go of society’s expectations.
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